GUIDO: Smart WebApp for accessible culture in small towns.

In Dozza, a small village in the Bologna area, the audio guide “GUIDO” has arrived to visit the open-air museum of the Painted Wall. The project was entrusted to the engineers of Up Urban Planning Ltd. and developed by Sis-ter Ltd. SB. The project was born in 2022 when the Nuovo Circondario Imolese took part in the Bologna Metropolitan City’s “Economy of Proximity” call for proposals and came out with a positive outcome. Among the proposed activities was to create a WebApp to help promote tourism in the village.

Thus came GUIDO, a multilingual audio guide for indoor and outdoor enjoyment based on artificial intelligence and geolocalization. Erogated in webapp mode, it allows you to enter texts and tabs of geo-referenced works or objects on which to activate automatic translation in different languages and text to speech for listening according to genre. The webapp can be integrated with proximity devices to accompany people by making content accessible to the blind or visually impaired. The audioguide consists of a responsive front end for use from smartphones or tablets and a content management backoffice in which to enter projects and within these object cards (Points of Interest). The Points of Interest can be of different types, and audio can be activated not only by location but also by Qrcode.

GUIDO, as an audio guide, is suitable for museums, villages, parks and gardens, shopping streets, cities but also for support for field maintenance activities.